Everybite with the Seagull Centre

The Seagull Centre has joined the Every Bite a food waste prevention programme for 2025.

woman in kitchen chopping herbs into pot

Right now, it is estimated that 30-40% (up to 2.5 billion tonnes) of all food produced globally gets lost or wasted and here in Aotearoa, New Zealanders are throwing away over 157,000 tonnes of edible food every year, costing the average NZ household $1,510 a year.

We want to work with you, your whanau, community group, school, or business to introduce small changes that make big differences to prevent food waste, and save you money.

Our first programme was a success!

February saw the first of our Every Bite programme get underway. We had a total of 20 participates join our opening event and start their food appreciation journey.

Award-winning culinary expert, and owner of the local ‘Gastronomics’ Restaurant Cafe and Bar, with over 34years experience, Chef Kishan Raikwar joined us to share his go-to tips for making the most of our kai while preparing us a delicious meal.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in attending, look out for our second programme kicking off in May!

Chef Kishan Raikwar

Save the date!

Sunday 4th May, 10am-12pm.

Robins’ Room

Seagull Centre, 104 Burke Street, Thames.

Cost: $10